Effective Acne & Acne Scarring Treatment Sydney

At Dr Saras & Co we have one of the most effective anti-acne treatments available in Sydney; proven to reduce moderate to severe acne for all skin types, including darker skin.

About Acne Treatments

The effects of acne start with oily secretions from oil glands in the skin, this results in the plugging of the tiny openings of the hair follicles. If the openings are small, whiteheads can form, if the openings are large it can often result in blackheads. Both whiteheads and blackheads can lead to a red and inflamed acne breakout.

Dermatological Acne Treatments

Reduce acne and scarring safely without surgery or downtime.

Approved Medical Devices

We only use medical grade registered and approved devices.

Certified Doctors & Nurses

Highly trained medical team for professional treatments

Treatment Areas





Is an Acne Treatment Right for Me?

Although acne and its scarring can be a major problem for teens and adults alike, its impact on your self-esteem is still significant. It can, in turn, have a negative impact on your social life and relationships. Due to the technology available today, acne and scarring are now treated very easily.

As a result, we understand the unique sensitivities of skin affected by active acne. As a result, we will help you deal with its negative effects so that you can regain your confidence. Often, uneven skin texture and colour are addressed after the majority of active acne has cleared up.

Acne is a common skin condition. Aside from being most commonly associated with puberty, acne breakouts can occur at any age, even in infancy. When women enter their menopausal years, hormonal fluctuations may make their skin more prone to acne. Even though acne is not a dangerous medical condition in most cases, it can be quite debilitating on a social and personal level. However, acne challenges may not end there. Acne sufferers often have difficulty keeping their acne under control as well as concealing acne scars that ensue from acne. Regardless of whether you manage your skin's clarity or outgrow your acne, these scars can be a constant reminder of past problems and undermine your self-confidence. However, you can treat your acne scars as effectively as your acne.

The treatment options are numerous if you are suffering from acne and scarring. Various effective treatments can treat mild to severe symptoms. Many of these treatments are available at Dr Saras & Co. The range of nonsurgical procedures we offer our patients is carefully selected to provide clear skin and a healthy, appealing complexion. In addition, we offer professional-grade skincare that can be used at home to complement your professional treatments. We can even help you stop dealing with residual scarring, that curse of acne sufferers that can linger long after breakouts are over.

Acne occurs when the pores of the skin become clogged with dead skin cells. The dead skin cells normally slough away from the surface of the skin, but inside the pores of the dermis that produces excessive amounts of oil known as sebum, the dead cells begin to stick together. A bacterium known as P. acnes can aggravate the problem, resulting in an inflamed pore. The bacteria may multiply, leading to a cyst or nodule forming.

Symptoms of acne may include the following:

- Whiteheads (clogged pores that remain closed)
- Blackheads (clogged pores that open, revealing the oil and bacteria)
- Papules (small red bumps that are visible signs of inflammation)
- Pimples (enlarged papules with pus inside)
- Nodules (painful, large lumps beneath the skin’s surface)
- Cystic Lesions (nodules that contain pus)

Although there is no clear reason why some people develop acne while others do not, several factors may increase your risk for acne or exacerbate acne that already exists. Hormonal fluctuations, medication side effects, and stress are all examples. Cysts and nodules that rupture naturally or are disturbed by skin picking will usually heal without leaving scars; this is a natural and inevitable part of the healing process. You may have significant scar tissue to deal with even after you have cleared your acne, which may require you to apply makeup or grow your beard constantly, even if you don't want to, in order to hide these visible signs.

Quick Facts about Acne

  • The causes of acne are multi-factorial and different for each person, and therefore acne treatments used vary from person to person.
  • Acne left untreated can lead to permanent scarring on the skin.
  • Main contributing factors include excess oil, bacteria and thickened skin causing clogging.
  • Acne is more than a skin condition; the effects of acne can result in loss of confidence or lack of self-esteem.
  • The main two modalities of treatment are oral medications and medical grade skin treatments including skin care and chemical peels.

About Acne Scarring

Some people or skin types are more susceptible to acne scarring (a result of previous acne breakouts causing damage to the surrounding tissue). If our body does not produce enough collagen, a depression in the skin forms, and if too much collagen is produced than the result is a raised scar. At Dr Saras & Co in order to successfully treat acne, we believe in targeting acne holistically from all angles of causes.


  • Controlling oil – an excess of oil on the skin can encourage acne flare ups to happen. Our advanced exfoliation pumpkin peel will reduce the oiliness of the skin and leave a smooth and clean finish. In addition, it can help to improve skin hydration and decrease existing acne and the chance of more acne spots forming.
  • Bacteria – Our laser selectively destroys overactive sebaceous glands. The heat is used to destroy the sebaceous glands, which will reduce the sebum production in your skin, which can produce oil and contribute to acne. Our laser treatment can accelerate the healing process and kill the bacteria that causes acne.
  • Thickened Skin – Pending on the severity of acne we can use the acids in our peels to help unclog and smooth skin. there are a variety of chemical peels that we offer to resurface the skin and diminish the appearance of acne scars.


In the case of extreme thickness and/or scarring, we will resurface skin using laser technology to deeply and gently refine open pores, reduce acne scarring and smooth congested “lumpy” skin. This procedure involves removing the outer layer of the skin and stimulating collagen production for a clear and youthful complexion. This will improve the appearance of the skin and specific acne scarring.


A topical anaesthetic is normally required that will help to numb the skin and make sure that the procedure is not painful or uncomfortable for the patient. The laser works to remove the outer layer of your damaged skin, as well as heating the dermis.


This process can take from between 30 minutes to one hour to complete, but this will depend on the severity of the scarring to the skin. There is some downtime associated with using laser technology. Patients may experience redness to the skin and slight swelling.


Every person will require a different treatment plan when it comes to acne. The best way to have your acne accessed is to book a consultation at Dr Saras & Co. During your consultation, we will give you personalised information based on your skin type and acne. Our anti-acne treatment options are available in our clinics located in AnnandaleDouble Bay and Miranda.

Recommended Acne Treatments at Dr Saras & Co


collagen induction therapy to stimulate the body’s natural wound healing response producing improvement to the tone and texture of the skin


skin resurfacing radio frequency to resurface the skin. It is a non-surgical solution for skin resurfacing that corrects signs of skin damage


laser therapy, skin revitalisation tightens and smoothens the skin to reduce pore size and the damage caused by scarring, ageing, sun exposure or smoking.
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